Library of Congress 美國國會圖書館


The Library of Congress is one of my favorite place in DC. The color combination of light orange and turquoise in the Great Hall makes me happy. This is another “Lost Symbol” site. (See the Lost Symbol trace at the Washington National Cathedral.) Robert Langdon escaped from the Capitol to the Library of Congress Reading Room through an underground tunnel by riding the conveyor belt that transfers books among the Library’s three buildings. This pretty one is called the Thomas Jefferson Building. If you visit the Capitol, the Library of Congress is just across the street from the Capitol visitor center. You can walk from the Capitol to the library through an underground tunnel.

國會圖書館是我最喜歡的DC景點之一,大廳的橘色、銘黃色、土耳其藍這個組合看了就很開心。這又是一個丹布朗失落的符號景點 (蘭登在華盛頓國家大教堂),羅伯蘭登為了躲避CIA從國會跳上運書的輸送帶、通過地下隧道跑到國會圖書館。國會圖書館有三棟樓,遊客會去的、漂亮的這棟叫Thomas Jefferson Building,如果去參觀國會的話,國會圖書館就在遊客中心的對街,可以從國會裡面的地下隧道走到國會圖書館。

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Washington National Cathedral

Washington National Cathedral

Whenever I plan a schedule of 48 hours in DC type of length for my friends and family, I often have to leave out the Washington National Cathedral simply because it is out of the way. In 2009 however, when Lisa visited DC for the first time, we did make a point to take her here. It was our searching-for-the-lost-symbol tour right after we read “The Lost Symbol” by Dan Brown. Robert Langdon and Katherine Solomon sought refuge here as they looked for clues surrounding Masonic symbols while being chased by the CIA.

通常帶親朋好友在DC玩耍都會不得不捨棄華盛頓國家大教堂,它實在太不順路了,不過2009年Lisa來DC,我們因為大家都剛看完丹布朗的The Lost Symbol,DC之旅變成尋找失落的符號之旅,特地跑來Washington National Cathedral。羅伯蘭登和Katherine一邊解謎一邊躲避CIA的時候就是跑到這個教堂來避難。

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